FREE Recovering From Disaster eBook
“Accidents and natural disasters pack a one-two punch. First, something happens. You go through it, and it’s like being trapped in a nightmare. Then you try to collect on your insurance. You get to go through that, and it’s like a second nightmare. The fact of the matter is, many insurance companies aren’t in the business to pay claims-they’re in the business not to pay them. Les Watrous picks up where the first nightmare starts. He sets down safety procedures and steps to estimate and mitigate damages. These are well-written, useful guidelines, starting right after you come up out of the storm cellar, or get back to the burned or flooded home. Even more useful is the advice on what comes next: filing claims and replacing/restoring your property. Keeping good records, backing up your claim, negotiating with the insurance company, and knowing what to do if the claim is denied or you are offered too little are all discussed, along with other needed subjects, like choosing the right contractor. The author also provides forms, checklists and important phone numbers. No one likes accidents or disasters, but they do happen. Having this book around and taking its advice will make your life a lot simpler if that tornado, fire, or jumping deer should ever cross your path.” — From Independent Publisher
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